RAD 2015
rad Inclusive company
Sadler's Wells Theatre
The Step Into Dance Inclusive company began in 2015 and has since performed twice on Sadler's Wells Stage as well as various community performances. We meet every Sunday and train together in both contemporary and hip hop styles.
The Company
The company consists of dancers from the many SEN schools that the RAD work with across the year. We meet every Sunday at the RAD headquarters in Battersea and train hard in improving and extending our creativity in both hip hop and contemporary styles. There are regular performance opportunities though-out the year for the company members, and the confidence, creative flair and technical skill, grows with each Sunday that passes.
Step Live 2015
During the spring term the company began creating a piece for the Step Live! show, choreographed by Natasha Gilmore. The company used creative tasks to encapsulate the ebb and flow of a river, with the piece ending in a celebration of the dancers larger than life personalities. The show took place at Sadler's Wells Theatre, alongside the other Step Into Dance companies and schools.
The Step Live! dance piece in 2015 was such a success it lead to the Inclusive Company becoming a full time company meeting weekly through-out the whole academic year. This has created many more performance opportunities, and has allowed vast improvements and developments in the company members dance practice.