Sense and Step Change studios


STep change studios . sense

January 2021 - Present

A weekly dance class held online for young people and adults with disabilities to keep fit, active and build their dance ability.


Sense Saturdays

This weekly session began in January 2021 and is hosted by Step Change Studios and Sense. As we made our way through another National Lockdown, people from across the country logged on each Saturday morning for 45 minutes of exercise and dance. This group is particularly diverse, with the added dimension of being hosted virtually, I have found it vital to provide clear differentiations within the exercises and routines I teach. In isolation of a lockdown I think everyone appreciated this time on a Saturday morning where we were part of a ‘group’, myself included!


Other Work

In addition to the successful Sense Saturdays class I have also had the privilege to lead many other classes with Step Change Studios, including sessions for older people, carers, children’s services, children’s hospitals and audio only sessions for those with Visual Impairments.


Step Change Studios logo_ Turquoise square with black text that reads 'Step Change Studios'_.png